Week 1: complete!

We’ve come to the end of the first week of recording & it’s gone great!  Of course there are little bumps in the road, but it wouldn’t be any fun if everything just went perfectly!  haha.  It’s a great learning process, & bonding experience with my church family.  God is leading us along!  This has been my first week:

Monday: Teacher training all day.  Night off from recording.

Tuesday: Teacher training all day.  Hammer out & record my song for about 3.5 hours.  Nervous going into it about how it would turn out, but we worked it out together!  Full of joy.

Wednesday: Teacher training all day.  Night off from recording due to school Open House.

Thursday: Sabbath rest during day. Recording BJ’s song for about 3 hours.  Song on repeat in my head.

Friday: Miscellaneous work. Recording Seth’s song for about 4 hours. Stay over at friend’s & stay up way too late having great conversation – worth it.  Now Seth’s song is on repeat in my head.

Saturday: Sleep in, quiet time, run. Practice 3-5. Ministry fair. Worship/record 7-9. Stay at friend’s.

Sunday: Worship/record 9-1. Yard/house-work. Finally check email. Listened to the rough recordings.  Now songs are REALLY playing in my head over and over and over and…

Monday: Lots of school planning & another week of recording every night!  Here we go!  Will be nice to get some new songs on repeat in my head haha. 😛


God is already starting to open up some new doors for music. I am currently in the middle of a 2-week recording process with the other worship leaders/musicians from my home church. We’re recording original worship songs that we’ve written & used in church. I’m contributing 1 song, as well as some keyboard playing on other songs. So exciting to see what can happen when we all collaborate together! It’s been the missing piece in my music & we’ve been having so much fun hammering out the details. “How good it is when brothers dwell together in unity”!

It’s a pretty intense time, practicing & recording every night, & recording again at both sat/sun services. In addition, I’m busy doing all my school prep during the day (& of course making some time to soak up some sun before it’s too late!). But I feel like I’m finally learning how to keep the healthy balance of resting in God. He’s given me so much more energy & joy for all that is set before me!

I also find it amazingly ‘convenient’ that I quit my church job 1 month ago, leaving me time to even be involved with a project like this. If I had that job still, there’s no way I could do this. God responds when we step out in faith! I wouldn’t trade the adventure for anything.